Quick Tricks 1.0 Script for Maya
Chase Baker
This is the Quick Tricks Script for Maya. This script gives you many different tools and tricks to create geometry, modify pivots, and more to speed up workflows.
For a detailed tutorial video of this script, you can see the Quick Tricks 1.0 Script for Maya Tutorial video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjVSO9yM-Os&ab_channel=killshot2596
NOTE: This script was made with Maya Creative 2023 with Python 3. This may not work on Maya 2020 or older.
This script should work on Maya 2022, 2023, and 2024.
You will get access to:
- Quick Tricks 1.0 Script Content folder
- Python script
- TXT file of script
Script Content:
- History and Transform Buttons
- Pivot Actions
- Mesh Spawns
- More Tools (Poly Duplicate, Conform Normals, and more)
Access to the Quick Tricks 1.0 Content folder, Maya scripts, and the setup tutorial text file.
54.7 KB
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